Patrick O. Perry, NYU Stern School of Business
We will replicate the analysis performed by Mosteller and Wallace (1963) to determine the authorhips of the 15 disputed Federalist Papers.
We will use the following R packages. You can see the exact version numbers and the rest of my R session information at the end of this document.
We will also use some code for fitting negative binomial models.
source("nbinom.R") # 'nbinom.R' must be in the working directory
To ensure consistent runs, we set the seed before performing any analysis:
The raw text for the Federalist Papers is available from Project Gutenberg. I have processed the raw text to produce a newline-delimited JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data file with one record for each of the 85 papers, named federalist.json.
We can read this file into R using the stream_in
function from the
fed <- jsonlite::stream_in(file("federalist.json"))
Found 85 lines...
Each record has 6 fields.
[1] "author" "text" "date" "title" "paper_id" "venue"
The authorships reported by the Project Gutenenberg versions are as follow.
fed %>% group_by(author) %>% summarize(count = n())
Source: local data frame [5 x 2]
author count
4 JAY 5
The text of the paper is stored in the "text"
The Project Gutenberg version of the Federalist Papers attributes paper No. 58 to Madison, but Mosteller and Wallace consider this paper to have disputed authorship. We will follow Mosteller and Wallace in our subsequent analysis.
fed$author[fed$paper_id == 58] <- "HAMILTON OR MADISON"
First we break each document into sentences.
# use the 'openNLP' maximum entropy sentence annotator
ator <- openNLP::Maxent_Sent_Token_Annotator(language="en")
ntext <- nrow(fed)
sents <- vector("list", ntext)
for (i in seq_len(ntext)) {
# convert the text to a 'String' object to annotate it
s <- NLP::as.String(fed$text[[i]])
# compute the sentence boundaries
spans <- NLP::annotate(s, ator)
nsent <- length(spans)
sents[[i]] <- as.character(s[spans])
Next, we compute the lengths (in words) of the sentences.
# use the 'wordpunct' word tokenizer
scan <- NLP::wordpunct_tokenizer
sents_nword <- vector("list", length(sents))
for (i in seq_along(sents)) {
nsent <- length(sents[[i]])
nword <- vector("numeric", nsent)
for (j in seq_len(nsent)) {
# convert the sentence to a string object
s <- NLP::as.String(sents[[i]][[j]])
# tokenize the sentence into words
spans <- scan(s)
# determine the sentence lengths
nword[[j]] <- length(spans)
sents_nword[[i]] <- nword
For convenience, we store the sentence data in a data frame.
sents <- data_frame(paper_id = rep(fed$paper_id, sapply(sents, length)),
text = c(sents, recursive=TRUE),
nword = c(sents_nword, recursive=TRUE))
We can see that both Hamilton and Madison have similar sentence length averages and standard deviations:
# compute the sentence lengths for each author
(sents %>% left_join(fed, by="paper_id")
%>% group_by(author)
%>% summarize(n(), mean(nword), sd(nword)))
Source: local data frame [5 x 4]
author n() mean(nword) sd(nword)
1 HAMILTON 3384 37.18174 22.34336
2 HAMILTON AND MADISON 215 30.29767 19.69047
3 HAMILTON OR MADISON 784 34.22194 21.46343
4 JAY 220 42.62273 21.15173
5 MADISON 1151 37.79670 24.39872
The distributions of the sentence lenghts are also nearly identical.
h_sent_lens <- (sents %>% left_join(fed, by="paper_id")
%>% filter(author == "HAMILTON"))$nword
m_sent_lens <- (sents %>% left_join(fed, by="paper_id")
%>% filter(author == "MADISON"))$nword
cols <- paste0(palette(), "44")
# First Plot
#par(mar=c(3, 4, 1, 0.5) + .1)
hist(m_sent_lens, freq=FALSE, col=cols[2], 40, main="",
xlab="Sentence Length")
hist(h_sent_lens, freq=FALSE, col=cols[1], 40, add=TRUE)
# Second Plot
hist(log10(m_sent_lens), freq=FALSE, col=cols[2], 40, main="",
xlab=expression(Log[10]("Sentence Length")))
hist(log10(h_sent_lens), freq=FALSE, col=cols[1], 40, add=TRUE)
Here are quantile plots for the two authors.
cols <- paste0(palette(), "AA")
hf <- (seq_along(h_sent_lens) - 0.5) / length(h_sent_lens)
hq <- sort(h_sent_lens)
mf <- (seq_along(m_sent_lens) - 0.5) / length(m_sent_lens)
mq <- sort(m_sent_lens)
# First Plot
plot(c(0, 1), range(hq, mq), type="n", xlab="Fraction",
ylab="Sentence Length")
lines(hf, hq, col=cols[1], lwd=3)
lines(mf, mq, col=cols[2], lwd=3)
# Second Plot
plot(c(0, 1), log10(range(hq, mq)), type="n", xlab="Fraction",
ylab=expression(Log[10]("Sentence Length")))
lines(hf, log10(hq), col=cols[1], lwd=3)
lines(mf, log10(mq), col=cols[2], lwd=3)
In light of these similarities, it is unlikely that sentence length will be a good feature for discriminating between Hamilton and Madison.
To look at the word usages of the two authors, we form a “Document Term Matrix”, with rows corresponding to texts (papers) and columns corresponding to words. Entry (i,j) of the matrix will store the number of times that word j appears in text i.
stem <- function(words) {
words <- as.character(words)
long <- nchar(words) > 4
words[long] <- SnowballC::wordStem(words[long], language="porter")
corpus <- VCorpus(VectorSource(fed$text))
control <- list(tolower = TRUE, removePunctuation = TRUE,
removeNumbers = TRUE, stemming = stem,
wordLengths=c(1, Inf))
dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(corpus, control=control)
The DocumentTermMatrix
returns a sparse matrix in simple_triplet_matrix
format, but for efficiency and consistency, I prefer to work sparse matrices
in sparseMatrix
format. The following code performs a conversion between
these two types.
dtm <- sparseMatrix(dtm$i, dtm$j, x = dtm$v, dim=dim(dtm),
To compare word usage behavior, we normalize by the length of the document, to get the rate of occurrence for each word.
rate <- dtm / rowSums(dtm)
Here are side-by-side boxplots comparing the usage rates for six different words:
aut <- c("HAMILTON", "MADISON")
for (w in c("by", "from", "to", "war", "tax", "upon")) {
boxplot(1000 * rate[,w] ~ fed$author, subset = fed$author %in% aut,
ylab="Frequency / 1K Words", main=w)
We can see that for certain words (“by”, “to”, “upon”), usage rates very widely between the two authors. This suggests that these words can be used to discriminate between Hamilton and Madison. We can also see that for other words (“war”, “tax”), it is likely that most of the variability in usage is due to topic, not to author. We should avoid using these context-dependent words when determining paper authorship.
We first need a probabilistic model for word occurrences in the texts. Mosteller and Wallace suggest using either a Poisson or Negative Binomial model.
The following code fits negative binomial models for each author and word.
author <- c("HAMILTON", "MADISON")
word <- colnames(dtm)
usage <-
do(data_frame(author) %>% group_by(author), { # for each author:
# extract the texts written by the author
x <- dtm[fed$author == .$author,]
# compute text lenghts
n <- rowSums(x)
offset <- log(n)
do(data_frame(word) %>% group_by(word), { # for each word:
# fit a negative binomial model for the word
y <- x[,.$word]
fit <- nbinom_fit(y, n)
# compute the deviance for heterogeneity = 1
dev1 <- nbinom_pdev(y, offset, 0)
fit$hetero1_deviance <- dev1
# return the results as a data frame (required by the 'do' command)
}) %>% ungroup()
}) %>% ungroup()
# compute the chi squared statistics for H0 : hetero = 1 vs. H1: hetero < 1
usage <-
usage %>% mutate(chisq_hetero = ifelse(heterogeneity > 1,
deviance - hetero1_deviance,
hetero1_deviance - deviance),
pval_hetero = 1 - pchisq(chisq_hetero, df=1))
To check the validity of the word occurrence models, we first segment the texts into blocks of about 200 words.
block_size <- 200
paper_id <- integer()
block_text <- list()
nblock <- 0
for (i in seq_len(nrow(fed))) {
# convert the text to a 'String' object to annote it
s <- NLP::as.String(fed$text[[i]])
# find the word boundaries
spans <- NLP::wordpunct_tokenizer(s)
nword <- length(spans)
# form blocks of 'block_size' words
end <- 0
while (end < nword) {
# find the block boundaries
start <- end + 1
end <- min(start + block_size, nword)
block_span <- Span(spans[start]$start, spans[end]$end)
# store the block in the 'block_text' array
nblock <- nblock + 1
block_text[[nblock]] <- as.character(s[block_span])
paper_id[[nblock]] <- i
block <- data_frame(block_id = seq_len(nblock), paper_id = paper_id,
text = block_text)
dtm_block <- DocumentTermMatrix(VCorpus(VectorSource(block$text)),
dtm_block <- sparseMatrix(dtm_block$i, dtm_block$j, x = dtm_block$v,
dim=dim(dtm_block), dimnames=dimnames(dtm_block))
Here are the observed and expected counts under Hamilton's Poisson and negative binomial models for a few selected words.
# investigate goodness of fit for Hamilton, for a few selected words
h <- (block %>% left_join(fed, by="paper_id")
%>% filter(author == "HAMILTON"))$block_id
x <- dtm_block[h,]
n <- rowSums(x)
for (w in c("an", "any", "may", "upon", "his", "can", "offic", "senat",
"would")) {
y <- x[, w]
fit <- usage %>% filter(author == "HAMILTON" & word == w)
table <-
do(data_frame(k=0:6) %>% group_by(k),
data_frame(observed=sum(y == .$k),
pois_expected=sum(dpois(.$k, fit$pois_rate * n)),
nbinom_expected=sum(dnbinom(.$k, size=1/(fit$heterogeneity),
mu = fit$rate * n)))
) %>% ungroup()
cat("\nWord: '", w, "'\n", sep="")
cat("Rate/1K: ", 1000 * fit$pois_rate, "\n", sep="")
cat("Log(Heterogeneity): ", log(fit$heterogeneity), "\n", sep="")
print(table %>% mutate(pois_expected=round(pois_expected, 1),
nbinom_expected=round(nbinom_expected, 1)))
Word: 'an'
Rate/1K: 5.634551
Log(Heterogeneity): -4.102734
Source: local data frame [7 x 4]
k observed pois_expected nbinom_expected
1 0 255 252.4 252.8
2 1 233 233.8 231.9
3 2 116 116.4 116.1
4 3 34 39.1 39.9
5 4 11 9.9 10.5
6 5 5 2.0 2.3
7 6 0 0.3 0.4
Word: 'any'
Rate/1K: 3.233666
Log(Heterogeneity): -2.124951
Source: local data frame [7 x 4]
k observed pois_expected nbinom_expected
1 0 381 376.5 384.5
2 1 200 205.3 195.3
3 2 57 58.9 58.4
4 3 14 11.4 13.0
5 4 1 1.7 2.4
6 5 1 0.2 0.4
7 6 0 0.0 0.1
Word: 'may'
Rate/1K: 4.190476
Log(Heterogeneity): -2.363592
Source: local data frame [7 x 4]
k observed pois_expected nbinom_expected
1 0 355 320.7 328.0
2 1 182 224.5 215.2
3 2 76 83.4 81.8
4 3 30 20.9 22.7
5 4 7 3.9 5.1
6 5 3 0.6 1.0
7 6 1 0.1 0.2
Word: 'upon'
Rate/1K: 3.3134
Log(Heterogeneity): -46.22818
Source: local data frame [7 x 4]
k observed pois_expected nbinom_expected
1 0 385 371.5 371.5
2 1 191 207.4 207.4
3 2 60 61.0 61.0
4 3 12 12.1 12.1
5 4 4 1.8 1.8
6 5 1 0.2 0.2
7 6 1 0.0 0.0
Word: 'his'
Rate/1K: 2.117386
Log(Heterogeneity): 0.814175
Source: local data frame [7 x 4]
k observed pois_expected nbinom_expected
1 0 550 454.9 499.5
2 1 44 163.9 99.6
3 2 26 30.9 33.3
4 3 18 3.9 12.7
5 4 4 0.4 5.1
6 5 8 0.0 2.1
7 6 2 0.0 0.9
Word: 'can'
Rate/1K: 2.586932
Log(Heterogeneity): -0.9928786
Source: local data frame [7 x 4]
k observed pois_expected nbinom_expected
1 0 452 420.0 432.0
2 1 139 184.2 164.2
3 2 45 42.3 44.7
4 3 15 6.6 10.4
5 4 1 0.8 2.2
6 5 1 0.1 0.4
7 6 0 0.0 0.1
Word: 'offic'
Rate/1K: 1.204873
Log(Heterogeneity): 0.8373279
Source: local data frame [7 x 4]
k observed pois_expected nbinom_expected
1 0 555 531.6 550.8
2 1 71 109.7 77.4
3 2 19 11.8 18.6
4 3 9 0.8 5.1
5 4 0 0.0 1.5
6 5 0 0.0 0.4
7 6 0 0.0 0.1
Word: 'senat'
Rate/1K: 1.187154
Log(Heterogeneity): 1.889989
Source: local data frame [7 x 4]
k observed pois_expected nbinom_expected
1 0 583 533.2 570.5
2 1 33 108.4 50.7
3 2 24 11.5 17.6
4 3 6 0.8 7.6
5 4 6 0.0 3.7
6 5 1 0.0 1.8
7 6 1 0.0 1.0
Word: 'would'
Rate/1K: 8.230343
Log(Heterogeneity): -1.242876
Source: local data frame [7 x 4]
k observed pois_expected nbinom_expected
1 0 289 166.0 201.3
2 1 123 216.2 192.7
3 2 99 156.1 128.0
4 3 61 76.5 70.4
5 4 31 28.3 34.6
6 5 26 8.4 15.7
7 6 11 2.1 6.7
For most of these examples, the fit looks reasonable. For some words, (“his”, “senat”, “would”), the negative binomial is a much better fit than the Poisson model.
Here is a more comprehensive goodness of fit evaluation. For each word, we care the expected counts with the observed counts, then compute a Pearson chi-squared goodness of fit statistic.
gof <-
do(data_frame(author) %>% group_by(author), {
# extract the blocks for the current author
a <- .$author
i <- (block %>% left_join(fed, by="paper_id")
%>% filter(author == a))$block_id
x <- dtm_block[i,]
n <- rowSums(x)
do(data_frame(word=colnames(x)) %>% group_by(word), {
# extract the observed block counts and the fit for the current word
w <- .$word
y <- x[, w]
fit <- usage %>% filter(author == a & word == w)
if (nrow(fit) == 0) {
# if a word appears in the block, but not in the original
# corpus, skip it
chisq <- NA
df <- NA
pval <- NA
pois_chisq <- NA
pois_df <- NA
pois_pval <- NA
} else {
# otherwise, perform two chi squared goodness of fit tests, one
# for the negative binomial model, and one for the Poisson
# model
# fitted parameters:
mu <- fit$rate * n
size <- 1/fit$heterogeneity
pois_mu <- fit$pois_rate * n
# In the loop below, we perform a chi squared goodness of
# fit test by comparing the observed numbers of 0's, 1's,
# etc, to the number observed. We bin the counts so that
# the expected value is at least 5 in each cell.
# keep track of the remaining tail mass
ntail <- length(y)
# start out with one bin
expected <- numeric(1)
pois_expected <- numeric(1)
observed <- numeric(1)
nbin <- 1
k <- 0
while (ntail >= 5) {
# compute the observed and expected number of seeing
# the value 'k'
o <- sum(y == k)
if (!is.finite(size)) {
e <- sum(dpois(k, mu))
} else {
e <- sum(dnbinom(k, size=size, mu=mu))
pe <- sum(dpois(k, pois_mu))
# add the counts to the last bin
observed[nbin] <- observed[nbin] + o
expected[nbin] <- expected[nbin] + e
pois_expected[nbin] <- pois_expected[nbin] + pe
# update the tail mass
ntail <- ntail - o
# create a new bin if the observed count is at least 5
if (observed[nbin] >= 5 && ntail >= 5) {
nbin <- nbin + 1
observed[nbin] <- 0
expected[nbin] <- 0
pois_expected[nbin] <- 0
# advance to the next value of 'k'
k <- k + 1
# assign the remaining mass to the last bin
o <- ntail
if (!is.finite(size)) {
e <- sum(1 - ppois(k - 1, mu))
} else {
e <- sum(1 - pnbinom(k - 1, size=size, mu=mu))
pe <- sum(1 - ppois(k - 1, pois_mu))
observed[nbin] <- observed[nbin] + o
expected[nbin] <- expected[nbin] + e
pois_expected[nbin] <- pois_expected[nbin] + pe
# compute the chi squared statistics; the degrees of freedom
# here are approximate (cf. Chernoff and Lehmann, 1954)
chisq <- sum((observed - expected)^2 / expected)
df <- nbin - 1
pval <- ifelse(df <= 0, NA, 1 - pchisq(chisq, df))
pois_chisq <- sum((observed - pois_expected)^2 / pois_expected)
pois_df <- nbin - 1
pois_pval <- ifelse(pois_df <= 0, NA,
1 - pchisq(pois_chisq, pois_df))
data_frame(chisq, df, pval, pois_chisq, pois_df, pois_pval)
}) %>% ungroup()
}) %>% ungroup()
Here are histograms of the goodness of fit p-values for both models:
hist(gof$pval, 50, main="Negative Binomial Fit")
hist(gof$pois_pval, 50, main="Poisson Fit")
Ideally, these histograms should be completely flat (the p-value should be
uniformly distributed on [0,1]
if the model fits). The skewed shape is due
to the ad-hoc choice for the degrees of freedom. The skewness indicates that
these goodness of fit tests are overly optimistic.
Here are the words with poor fits under the Poisson model, but reasonable fits under the negative binomial model:
print(n=20, gof %>% filter(pois_pval < .05 & pval > .05)
%>% arrange(pois_pval))
Source: local data frame [136 x 8]
author word chisq df pval pois_chisq pois_df pois_pval
1 HAMILTON execut 8.5211904 4 0.07424751 206.90203 4 0.000000e+00
2 HAMILTON judg 4.3724102 3 0.22395727 93.43619 3 0.000000e+00
3 HAMILTON militia 6.9069940 3 0.07492202 834.87150 3 0.000000e+00
4 HAMILTON offic 1.0170848 3 0.79711804 92.30882 3 0.000000e+00
5 HAMILTON presid 3.2622346 3 0.35293356 155.09658 3 0.000000e+00
6 HAMILTON senat 9.1673253 4 0.05705054 1494.53569 4 0.000000e+00
7 HAMILTON tax 5.4924767 3 0.13908929 417.01579 3 0.000000e+00
8 MADISON appoint 6.5999922 3 0.08580138 85.31101 3 0.000000e+00
9 MADISON power 9.9741411 6 0.12574523 125.43483 6 0.000000e+00
10 MADISON govern 10.8405949 6 0.09342976 77.60647 6 1.110223e-14
11 HAMILTON tribun 2.5701544 2 0.27662922 63.86013 2 1.354472e-14
12 HAMILTON taxat 2.2495420 2 0.32472682 58.01428 2 2.525757e-13
13 HAMILTON elect 4.7132897 2 0.09473755 57.19619 2 3.801404e-13
14 HAMILTON suprem 4.9757649 2 0.08308572 52.52368 2 3.932077e-12
15 HAMILTON treati 1.7339374 2 0.42022345 51.73080 2 5.845213e-12
16 HAMILTON armi 1.5603919 2 0.45831620 50.81266 2 9.250600e-12
17 MADISON their 10.7787258 5 0.05594806 54.49063 5 1.661481e-10
18 HAMILTON impeach 0.1006048 2 0.95094180 43.75006 2 3.160788e-10
19 HAMILTON vote 2.9034239 2 0.23416906 41.77317 2 8.493208e-10
20 HAMILTON constitut 7.4745913 4 0.11283494 47.24377 4 1.356647e-09
.. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ...
Here are the words with the worst goodness of fits under the negative binomial model:
print(n=20, gof %>% arrange(pval))
Source: local data frame [10,434 x 8]
author word chisq df pval pois_chisq pois_df pois_pval
1 HAMILTON will 91.93580 7 0.000000e+00 700.46452 7 0.000000e+00
2 HAMILTON would 100.61206 8 0.000000e+00 642.55956 8 0.000000e+00
3 HAMILTON or 60.79139 6 3.107914e-11 108.37424 6 0.000000e+00
4 HAMILTON we 54.55031 5 1.615189e-10 335.17728 5 0.000000e+00
5 HAMILTON our 49.73851 4 4.094521e-10 517.43426 4 0.000000e+00
6 HAMILTON as 54.68161 6 5.374943e-10 61.51171 6 2.217937e-11
7 HAMILTON they 50.18425 5 1.270555e-09 101.23651 5 0.000000e+00
8 HAMILTON jury 44.22480 3 1.352029e-09 513.98657 3 0.000000e+00
9 HAMILTON his 45.67719 4 2.874783e-09 762.61061 4 0.000000e+00
10 HAMILTON their 48.38914 5 2.958074e-09 98.36717 5 0.000000e+00
11 HAMILTON i 44.23644 4 5.729717e-09 204.93253 4 0.000000e+00
12 HAMILTON been 46.36366 5 7.658272e-09 77.56292 5 2.664535e-15
13 MADISON his 34.56532 3 1.505069e-07 135.05805 3 0.000000e+00
14 HAMILTON trial 33.58973 3 2.418365e-07 218.81679 3 0.000000e+00
15 HAMILTON law 33.31650 3 2.761698e-07 232.26015 3 0.000000e+00
16 HAMILTON maxim 29.58742 2 3.759879e-07 80.54719 2 0.000000e+00
17 MADISON will 37.67765 5 4.379730e-07 137.96528 5 0.000000e+00
18 HAMILTON have 39.01975 6 7.094067e-07 61.14215 6 2.637146e-11
19 MADISON would 33.96872 4 7.562769e-07 78.38784 4 3.330669e-16
20 HAMILTON has 33.62581 4 8.891661e-07 55.19300 4 2.960088e-11
.. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ...
We define a “context-dependent” word as a word with heterogeneity above 1 for either author. We can perform a likelihood ratio test for heteterogeneity. The null hypothesis is “heterogeneity <= 1 for either Hamilton or Madison”. Small p-values corresponds to strong evidence of neutrality.
Here are the p-values (“context dependence”) for the words:
palette(brewer.pal(5, "RdYlBu"))
with(usage %>% filter(heterogeneity <= 1e-6),
plot(log10(rate), pval_hetero,
main="heterogeneity = 0",
ylab="context dependence",
breaks=c(0, .01, .05, .10, .20, 1),
with(usage %>% filter(heterogeneity > 1e-6),
plot(log10(rate), log(heterogeneity),
main="heterogeneity > 0",
breaks=c(0, .01, .05, .10, .20, 1),
Here are the words with the smallest p-values (strongest evidence of neutrality):
print(usage %>% group_by(word)
%>% summarize(chisq = sum(chisq_hetero))
%>% mutate(pval = (1 - pchisq(chisq, 1)))
%>% filter(pval < .01)
%>% arrange(pval), n = 50)
Source: local data frame [239 x 3]
word chisq pval
1 a 152.07364 0.000000e+00
2 an 110.34280 0.000000e+00
3 and 173.01658 0.000000e+00
4 as 129.64024 0.000000e+00
5 be 137.80489 0.000000e+00
6 but 74.75960 0.000000e+00
7 by 89.27938 0.000000e+00
8 for 87.44002 0.000000e+00
9 from 103.26005 0.000000e+00
10 have 90.46017 0.000000e+00
11 in 160.35042 0.000000e+00
12 is 86.16352 0.000000e+00
13 it 121.32879 0.000000e+00
14 not 109.34213 0.000000e+00
15 of 251.93168 0.000000e+00
16 or 89.21787 0.000000e+00
17 that 130.90836 0.000000e+00
18 the 230.46576 0.000000e+00
19 this 127.82706 0.000000e+00
20 to 206.84182 0.000000e+00
21 which 126.63133 0.000000e+00
22 with 108.24181 0.000000e+00
23 all 66.48571 3.330669e-16
24 are 65.30909 6.661338e-16
25 on 64.39968 9.992007e-16
26 if 63.56637 1.554312e-15
27 been 62.54845 2.553513e-15
28 upon 60.25191 8.326673e-15
29 may 60.00842 9.436896e-15
30 such 58.58758 1.942890e-14
31 one 57.45726 3.452794e-14
32 at 56.82302 4.773959e-14
33 those 56.06442 7.016610e-14
34 they 55.74839 8.237855e-14
35 other 54.15432 1.852962e-13
36 than 53.28170 2.889911e-13
37 them 52.90117 3.507195e-13
38 their 52.47549 4.356515e-13
39 has 52.10304 5.265788e-13
40 so 50.34128 1.292078e-12
41 consider 49.31263 2.182587e-12
42 there 47.86499 4.566014e-12
43 publiu 46.84429 7.685630e-12
44 any 45.05366 1.917078e-11
45 its 40.55996 1.906744e-10
46 under 40.21506 2.274876e-10
47 no 38.59517 5.214779e-10
48 subject 38.34817 5.918366e-10
49 object 37.83266 7.708043e-10
50 govern 37.51578 9.067634e-10
.. ... ... ...
Here are the words with the largest p-values (weakest evidence of neutrality):
print(usage %>% group_by(word)
%>% summarize(chisq = sum(chisq_hetero))
%>% mutate(pval = (1 - pchisq(chisq, 1)))
%>% arrange(chisq), n = 20)
Source: local data frame [5,218 x 3]
word chisq pval
1 court -60.46603 1
2 jury -58.96343 1
3 militia -51.88975 1
4 you -50.05194 1
5 senat -50.04234 1
6 your -46.75495 1
7 claus -46.15412 1
8 vacanc -42.10553 1
9 impeach -41.25111 1
10 governor -37.03732 1
11 armi -34.53675 1
12 pardon -33.96636 1
13 trial -31.48838 1
14 her -30.72965 1
15 appel -30.11202 1
16 export -29.79590 1
17 presid -29.76895 1
18 trade -29.38544 1
19 amend -28.11362 1
20 manufactur -28.01013 1
.. ... ... ...
We want to filter out the words with similar usages for both authors. To test for the “distinctiveness” of a word, we perform a likelihood ratio test. The null (pooled) model uses the same rate and heterogeneity for both authors; the alternative model uses author-specific rates and heterogeneities.
x <- dtm[fed$author %in% author,]
n <- rowSums(x)
offset <- log(n)
usage_pool <-
do(data_frame(word) %>% group_by(word), { # for each word
y <- x[, .$word]
fit <- nbinom_fit(y, n) # fit a joint model
# computed
usage_pool <-
usage_pool %>%
left_join(on = "word",
usage %>% group_by(word)
%>% summarize(chisq_hetero_tot = sum(chisq_hetero),
pval_hetero_tot = 1 - pchisq(chisq_hetero_tot, 1),
deviance_unpool = sum(deviance))) %>%
usage_pool <-
usage_pool %>% mutate(chisq_diff = deviance - deviance_unpool,
pval_diff = 1 - pchisq(chisq_diff, df=2))
The words that discriminate are those where the rates or the heterogeneities differ between the two authors:
usage_h <- usage %>% filter(author == "HAMILTON")
usage_m <- usage %>% filter(author == "MADISON")
feature <-
(usage_pool %>% select(word, pval_hetero = pval_hetero_tot, pval_diff)
%>% left_join(on = "word",
usage_h %>% select(word,
rate_h = rate,
hetero_h = heterogeneity))
%>% left_join(on = "word",
usage_m %>% select(word,
rate_m = rate,
hetero_m = heterogeneity)))
palette(brewer.pal(5, "RdYlBu"))
with(feature, {
plot(log(rate_h), log(rate_m), cex=0.5,
breaks=c(0, .01, .05, .10, .20, 1),
plot(log(1 + hetero_h), log10(1 + hetero_m), cex=0.5,
breaks=c(0, .01, .05, .10, .20, 1),
After filtering context-sensitive and non-discriminating words, we are left with the following list:
print(n=50, feature %>% filter(pval_hetero < .01 & pval_diff < .01)
%>% arrange(pval_diff))
Source: local data frame [32 x 7]
word pval_hetero pval_diff rate_h hetero_h rate_m
1 upon 8.326673e-15 0.000000e+00 0.0033133998 8.382137e-21 1.694296e-04
2 there 4.566014e-12 1.053376e-09 0.0033090904 5.903965e-02 8.492976e-04
3 on 9.992007e-16 3.785444e-09 0.0033327183 8.932215e-02 7.610774e-03
4 to 0.000000e+00 1.022500e-06 0.0408061102 7.780331e-03 3.243226e-02
5 form 8.785136e-06 1.182165e-06 0.0007679526 5.847613e-02 2.383885e-03
6 intend 4.931379e-03 1.258969e-05 0.0003543743 2.502349e-17 0.000000e+00
7 by 0.000000e+00 5.528195e-05 0.0073734663 6.725293e-02 1.157114e-02
8 and 0.000000e+00 1.773680e-04 0.0239868733 1.325488e-02 3.000255e-02
9 thing 1.262355e-04 1.951483e-04 0.0008213499 6.466986e-02 2.262149e-04
10 circumst 3.690675e-05 5.797961e-04 0.0007796235 1.969892e-21 2.662713e-04
11 men 5.317703e-03 6.977892e-04 0.0013921155 3.204345e-01 5.248330e-04
12 latter 1.535015e-07 7.601439e-04 0.0006644518 6.719843e-19 1.391025e-03
13 readili 6.340043e-03 8.254676e-04 0.0002126246 9.709011e-23 0.000000e+00
14 at 4.773959e-14 8.530972e-04 0.0033784674 1.286970e-01 1.981778e-03
15 fulli 3.471964e-03 1.123578e-03 0.0001328904 4.501896e-21 4.890101e-04
16 would 2.352739e-08 1.672263e-03 0.0084364760 2.885532e-01 4.092781e-03
17 among 6.246744e-03 1.945108e-03 0.0004003216 5.006066e-01 1.048088e-03
18 dispos 2.426478e-03 3.085385e-03 0.0003277962 2.387273e-17 5.147475e-05
19 if 1.554312e-15 3.480529e-03 0.0033771613 9.128662e-02 2.136202e-03
20 those 7.016610e-14 3.694453e-03 0.0028806831 9.128218e-03 1.915001e-03
21 former 9.956616e-06 3.759032e-03 0.0005669989 2.578852e-17 1.131653e-03
22 sens 3.817521e-03 4.372116e-03 0.0006274611 1.222555e-01 1.823271e-04
23 within 4.571486e-04 4.852378e-03 0.0004163898 2.578855e-17 8.949639e-04
24 both 9.369488e-04 5.407189e-03 0.0005104098 4.232261e-01 1.080970e-03
25 also 4.908850e-03 5.587565e-03 0.0003100775 2.180847e-17 7.739099e-04
26 an 0.000000e+00 6.269701e-03 0.0056720418 1.652742e-02 4.246667e-03
27 conduct 9.907637e-04 6.658618e-03 0.0006390427 5.754712e-02 2.340695e-04
28 this 0.000000e+00 6.689284e-03 0.0081578391 4.388663e-03 6.380935e-03
29 happen 1.563822e-03 7.179605e-03 0.0007449865 1.692347e-01 2.584584e-04
30 sever 8.688323e-05 7.467804e-03 0.0007353267 2.414593e-27 1.378155e-03
31 strong 5.401015e-03 8.064146e-03 0.0002923588 1.710871e-20 5.147475e-05
32 observ 7.741428e-06 9.979448e-03 0.0008239203 3.793978e-21 3.991336e-04
Variables not shown: hetero_m (dbl)
We use the neutral words (not just the feature words), to elicit a prior for the word-specific parameters
feature <-
feature %>% mutate(s = rate_h + rate_m,
t = ifelse(s == 0, NA, rate_h / s),
z_h = log(1 + hetero_h), # MW use log(1 + rate * hetero)
z_m = log(1 + hetero_m),
x = z_h + z_m,
y = ifelse(x == 0, NA, z_h / x))
with(feature %>% filter(pval_hetero < .01), {
plot(sqrt(1000 * s), t, cex=0.5, xlim=c(0, 6))
ntot <- sum(dtm[fed$author %in% c("HAMILTON", "MADISON"),])
s <- seq(.2/1000, 6^2 / 1000, len=200)
lines(sqrt(1000 * s), 0.5 + 2 * sqrt(0.5 * (1 - 0.5) / (ntot * s)))
lines(sqrt(1000 * s), 0.5 - 2 * sqrt(0.5 * (1 - 0.5) / (ntot * s)))
lines(sqrt(1000 * s), 0.55 + 2 * sqrt(0.55 * (1 - 0.55) / (ntot * s)),
lines(sqrt(1000 * s), 0.45 - 2 * sqrt(0.45 * (1 - 0.45) / (ntot * s)),
Here are the analogues of Mosteller and Wallace's preferred priors:
# s = rate_h + rate_m,
# t = ifelse(s == 0, NA, rate_h / s),
palette(brewer.pal(6, "Set1"))
with(feature %>% filter(pval_hetero < .01), {
hist(t, prob=TRUE, 20, col="gray", border="white")
u <- seq(0, 1, len=100)
lines(u, dbeta(u, 10, 10), col=2)
# y = ifelse(x == 0, NA, z_h / x))
palette(brewer.pal(6, "Set1"))
with(feature %>% filter(pval_hetero < .01), {
hist(y, prob=TRUE, 20, col="gray", border="white")
u <- seq(0, 1, len=100)
lines(u, dbeta(u, 1.2, 1.2), col=2)
# z_h = log(1 + hetero_h)
# z_m = log(1 + hetero_m)
# x = z_h + z_m
palette(brewer.pal(6, "Set1"))
with(feature %>% filter(pval_hetero < .01), {
# from
s <- log(mean(x[x > 0])) - mean(log(x[x > 0]))
shape <- (3 - s + sqrt((s - 3)^2 + 24 * s)) / (12 * s)
m <- mean(x)
scale <- m / shape
hist(x, prob=TRUE, 20,
main=paste0("mean = ", round(m, 2), ", shape = ", round(shape, 2)),
col="gray", border="white")
u <- seq(0, 2, len=100)
lines(u, dgamma(u, shape=shape, scale=scale), col=2)
After determining the prior, Mosteller and Wallace re-fit the model parameters for each author. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to implement this step. In the remainder of the analysis, we will use the original estimates, note the posterior modes.
Now, we are ready to evaluate the log odds, the difference in log probabilities between Hamilton and Madison, under the two fitted models.
log_odds <-
with(feature %>% filter(pval_hetero < .01 & pval_diff < .01
& rate_h > 0 & rate_m > 0), {
n <- rowSums(dtm)
y <- dtm[,word]
log_odds <- matrix(0, nrow(y), ncol(y))
colnames(log_odds) <- word
rownames(log_odds) <- fed$paper_id
for (j in seq_len(ncol(y))) {
# Hamilton
mu_h = n * rate_h[j]
size_h <- 1/hetero_h[j]
if (is.finite(size_h)) {
lp_h <- dnbinom(y[,j], mu=mu_h, size=size_h, log=TRUE)
} else {
lp_h <- dpois(y[,j], mu_h, log=TRUE)
# Madison
mu_m = n * rate_m[j]
size_m <- 1/hetero_m[j]
if (is.finite(size_m)) {
lp_m <- dnbinom(y[,j], mu=mu_m, size=size_m, log=TRUE)
} else {
lp_m <- dpois(y[,j], mu_m, log=TRUE)
log_odds[,j] <- lp_h - lp_m
Here are the log odds of Hamilton authorship for all 85 papers.
fed %>% select(paper_id, author) %>% mutate(log_odds = rowSums(log_odds))
paper_id author log_odds
1 1 HAMILTON 16.4797642
2 2 JAY -15.8383145
3 3 JAY -0.5422449
4 4 JAY -4.4912495
5 5 JAY 0.7456437
6 6 HAMILTON 15.0944817
7 7 HAMILTON 30.1168259
8 8 HAMILTON 14.6402354
9 9 HAMILTON 12.9441877
10 10 MADISON -31.1372848
11 11 HAMILTON 32.2205454
12 12 HAMILTON 22.7261210
13 13 HAMILTON 19.9354743
14 14 MADISON -23.3353134
15 15 HAMILTON 50.3237556
16 16 HAMILTON 36.3816007
17 17 HAMILTON 23.0747751
18 18 HAMILTON AND MADISON -19.7301315
19 19 HAMILTON AND MADISON -26.6078391
20 20 HAMILTON AND MADISON -10.1594784
21 21 HAMILTON 16.2466009
22 22 HAMILTON 41.2528649
23 23 HAMILTON 23.0683465
24 24 HAMILTON 22.3036606
25 25 HAMILTON 16.0257315
26 26 HAMILTON 31.8900006
27 27 HAMILTON 25.2222312
28 28 HAMILTON 26.5109723
29 29 HAMILTON 47.3356987
30 30 HAMILTON 21.4429595
31 31 HAMILTON 25.4966420
32 32 HAMILTON 14.7587032
33 33 HAMILTON 16.0600232
34 34 HAMILTON 26.4646869
35 35 HAMILTON 31.8856120
36 36 HAMILTON 39.0888761
37 37 MADISON -29.5759999
38 38 MADISON -17.6010923
39 39 MADISON -43.6238081
40 40 MADISON -25.3892335
41 41 MADISON -36.2562583
42 42 MADISON -43.8589899
43 43 MADISON -46.8456360
44 44 MADISON -30.8778599
45 45 MADISON -29.5202716
46 46 MADISON -27.6301437
47 47 MADISON -56.9901090
48 48 MADISON -22.1863748
49 49 HAMILTON OR MADISON -7.7306485
50 50 HAMILTON OR MADISON -7.7821363
51 51 HAMILTON OR MADISON -26.8142277
52 52 HAMILTON OR MADISON -13.3552654
53 53 HAMILTON OR MADISON -19.3127723
54 54 HAMILTON OR MADISON -12.7966779
55 55 HAMILTON OR MADISON 1.8015920
56 56 HAMILTON OR MADISON -24.3258065
57 57 HAMILTON OR MADISON -10.5319213
58 58 HAMILTON OR MADISON -16.3282432
59 59 HAMILTON 28.5427436
60 60 HAMILTON 33.7538588
61 61 HAMILTON 26.2893422
62 62 HAMILTON OR MADISON -21.9147956
63 63 HAMILTON OR MADISON -11.3698113
64 64 JAY -10.2755475
65 65 HAMILTON 28.2505817
66 66 HAMILTON 27.7044486
67 67 HAMILTON 21.8855079
68 68 HAMILTON 15.1564381
69 69 HAMILTON 17.7331915
70 70 HAMILTON 32.2904911
71 71 HAMILTON 20.2022523
72 72 HAMILTON 32.6928452
73 73 HAMILTON 30.1328744
74 74 HAMILTON 18.8967062
75 75 HAMILTON 22.9016649
76 76 HAMILTON 35.1282946
77 77 HAMILTON 30.4134857
78 78 HAMILTON 30.7213625
79 79 HAMILTON 9.5350036
80 80 HAMILTON 16.3421459
81 81 HAMILTON 36.2759476
82 82 HAMILTON 16.7660266
83 83 HAMILTON 51.3096150
84 84 HAMILTON 23.1671353
85 85 HAMILTON 21.3656825
Our analysis is incomplete, because we did not use the priors for the word parameters in computing the authorship log odds. We also failed to investigate the strength and effect of dependence between the word counts. In light of this, our results are only preliminary.
For most of the papers, our analysis agrees with Mosteller and Wallace. We have very strong evidence of Madison authorship for most of the papers. For Paper No. 55, we found weak evidence of Hamilton authorship; Mosteller and Wallace found weak evidence of Madison authorship for this paper.
One notable difference between our analyis and Mosteller and Wallace's is that we do the feature selection completely automatically. This allows our approach to easily adapt to other datasets and applications, but it is also a potential weakness, because our tests for neutrality might be less reliable than Mosteller and Wallace's subjective judgments.
R version 3.2.3 (2015-12-10)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
Running under: OS X 10.10.5 (Yosemite)
[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
attached base packages:
[1] methods stats graphics grDevices utils datasets base
other attached packages:
[1] tm_0.6-2 SnowballC_0.5.1 openNLP_0.2-5 NLP_0.1-8
[5] Matrix_1.2-3 jsonlite_0.9.16 dplyr_0.4.1 RColorBrewer_1.1-2
[9] knitr_1.9
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] Rcpp_0.11.5 codetools_0.2-14 lattice_0.20-33
[4] digest_0.6.8 assertthat_0.1 slam_0.1-32
[7] grid_3.2.3 DBI_0.3.1 formatR_1.1
[10] magrittr_1.5 evaluate_0.6 lazyeval_0.1.10
[13] openNLPdata_1.5.3-2 tools_3.2.3 stringr_0.6.2
[16] parallel_3.2.3 rJava_0.9-8