ANN: BLAS Bindings for Haskell, version 0.6

There’s a new version of the BLAS bindings out. I put a lot of work into it and did a pretty massive overhaul of the code. The highlight of the new release is that now you can do operations in the ST monad. Also, I fixed a lot of organizational issues (no more orphan instances!), and cleaned up the interface a bit. There are a few performance improvements, too (I shaved half second off that old benchmark). The downside is that I completely broke backwards compatibility, but since as far as I can tell I only have two users, I’m not too worried about that.

People have been clamoring for a tutorial, but unfortunately I still don’t have time. My Orals are in ten days, and this stuff is not really core to my research. Maybe in a few months I’ll do something.

In the mean time, I did manage to come up with some sample code. Here’s a Fortan90 routine for recursively computing an LU decomposition with row pivoting, taken from Jack Dongarra and Piotr Luszczek’s chapter (PDF) in Beautiful Code:

recursive subroutine rdgetrf(m, n, a, lda, ipiv, info) 
 implicit none 
 integer, intent(in) :: m, n, lda 
 double precision, intent(inout) :: a(lda,*) 
 integer, intent(out) :: ipiv(*) 
 integer, intent(out) :: info 
 integer :: mn, nleft, nright, i 
 double precision :: tmp 
 double precision :: pone, negone, zero 
 parameter (pone=1.0d0) 
 parameter (negone=-1.0d0) 
 parameter (zero=0.0d0) 
 intrinsic min
 integer idamax 
 external dgemm, dtrsm, dlaswp, idamax, dscal 
 mn = min(m, n) 
 if (mn .gt. 1) then 
    nleft = mn / 2 
    nright = n - nleft 
    call rdgetrf(m, nleft, a, lda, ipiv, info) 
    if (info .ne. 0) return 
    call dlaswp(nright, a(1, nleft+1), lda, 1, nleft, ipiv, 1) 
    call dtrsm('L', 'L', 'N', 'U', nleft, nright, pone, a, lda, 
$        a(1, nleft+1), lda) 

    call dgemm('N', 'N', m-nleft, nright, nleft, negone, 
$        a(nleft+1,1) , lda, a(1, nleft+1), lda, pone, 
$        a(nleft+1, nleft+1), lda) 
    call rdgetrf(m - nleft, nright, a(nleft+1, nleft+1), lda, 
$        ipiv(nleft+1), info)
    if (info .ne. 0) then 
       info = info + nleft 
    end if 

    do i = nleft+1, m 
       ipiv(i) = ipiv(i) + nleft 
    end do 
    call dlaswp(nleft, a, lda, nleft+1, mn, ipiv, 1) 

 else if (mn .eq. 1) then 
    i = idamax(m, a, 1) 
    ipiv(1) = i 
    tmp = a(i, 1) 

    if (tmp .ne. zero .and. tmp .ne. -zero) then 
       call dscal(m, pone/tmp, a, 1) 
       a(i,1) = a(1,1) 
       a(1,1) = tmp 
       info = 1 
    end if 
 end if 


Here’s the same program in Haskell, using version 0.6 of the blas bindings:

module LU ( luFactorize ) where

import BLAS.Elem( BLAS3 )
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Matrix.Dense
import Data.Matrix.Dense.ST
import Data.Matrix.Tri
import Data.Vector.Dense.ST

luFactorize :: (BLAS3 e) => STMatrix s (m,n) e -> ST s (Either Int [Int])
luFactorize a
    | mn > 1 =
        let nleft = mn `div` 2
            (a_1, a_2) = splitColsAt nleft a
            (a11, a21) = splitRowsAt nleft a_1
            (a12, a22) = splitRowsAt nleft a_2
        in luFactorize a_1 >>=
               either (return . Left) (\pivots -> do
                   zipWithM_ (swapRows a_2) [0..] pivots
                   doSolveMat_ (lowerU a11) a12
                   doSApplyAddMat (-1) a21 a12 1 a22
                   luFactorize a22 >>=
                       either (return . Left . (nleft+)) (\pivots' -> do
                           zipWithM_ (swapRows a21) [0..] pivots'
                           return (Right $ pivots ++ map (nleft+) pivots')
    | mn == 1 = 
        let x = colView a 0
        in getWhichMaxAbs x >>= \(i,e) ->
            if (e /= 0) 
                then do
                    scaleBy (1/e) x
                    readElem x 0 >>= writeElem x i
                    writeElem x 0 e
                    return $ Right [i]
                    return $ Left 0
    | otherwise =
        return (Right [])
    (m,n) = shape a
    mn    = min m n

The Haskell version returns Left with a column index in the event of failure, and Right with a list of the pivot swaps in the case of success. It makes exactly the same BLAS calls as the Fortran90 version. The performance of the two versions should be close, especially for large inputs. (Anyone want to verify this?)

Some day it will be possible to do serious scientific computing in Haskell without much effort. This is one small step towards that goal.

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