Monte Carlo Poker Odds
There’s a new version of
the Monte Carlo monad and transformer I wrote for Haskell. The highlights of the
release are a MonadMC
typeclass and functions for sampling from general
discrete distributions. This post gives a demonstration of the library by
showing how to estimate poker odds via Monte Carlo simulation.
The goal of the program will be to estimate the distribution of poker hands from dealing five cards out of a well-shuffled deck of fifty-two cards. For reference, Wikipedia gives the probabilities of the poker hands. I’m not going to bother distinguishing between a royal flush and a straight flush.
In the program below, we will need to import the following headers
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.MC
import Data.List
import Data.Map( Map )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System.Environment
import Text.Printf
The second of these is part of the monte-carlo
Poker Functions
In Haskell, we need to define types for cards and functions for classifying hands. First, we define a card:
data Suit = Club | Diamond | Heart | Spade deriving (Eq, Show)
data Card = Card { number :: Int
, suit :: Suit
deriving (Eq, Show)
Here are the numerical values for the face cards,
ace, jack, queen, king :: Int
ace = 1
jack = 11
queen = 12
king = 13
and here is how we get a complete deck of cards
deck :: [Card]
deck = [ Card i s | i <- [ 1..13 ],
s <- [ Club, Diamond, Heart, Spade ] ]
Next, we enumerate the different hands, and define a function that takes a list of five cards and tells us what hand it is
data Hand = HighCard | Pair | TwoPair | ThreeOfAKind | Straight
| Flush | FullHouse | FourOfAKind | StraightFlush
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
hand :: [Card] -> Hand
hand cs =
case matches of
[1,1,1,1,1] -> case undefined of
_ | isStraight && isFlush -> StraightFlush
_ | isFlush -> Flush
_ | isStraight -> Straight
_ | otherwise -> HighCard
[1,1,1,2] -> Pair
[1,2,2] -> TwoPair
[1,1,3] -> ThreeOfAKind
[2,3] -> FullHouse
[1,4] -> FourOfAKind
(x:xs) = (sort . map number) cs
(s:ss) = map suit cs
isStraight | x == ace && xs == [ 10..king ] = True
| otherwise = xs == [ x+1..x+4 ]
isFlush = all (== s) ss
matches = (sort . map length . group) (x:xs)
The only tricky part is the special handling of the ace in testing for a straight.
Monte Carlo Functions
To choose a random five-card hand, we use the sampleSubset
function from
, which has type
sampleSubset :: (MonadMC m) => Int -> Int -> [a] -> m [a]
We give as parameters the subset size, the collection size, and a list of the
collection elements. So, to get a five-card hand from a deck of fifty-two
cards, we define a function deal
deal :: (MonadMC m) => m [Card]
deal = sampleSubset 5 52 deck
The signature of the function looks a little strange, because it is polymorphic
in the monad type. We could have written the signature as deal :: MC [Card]
However, by using the more general signature, we can use the function with
either the MC
monad or with MCT
, the monad transormer version.
The bulk of the work in the simulation gets performed by the repeatMCWith
function, which has signature
repeatMCWith :: (MonadMC m)
=> (a -> b -> a) -- ^ accumulator
-> a -- ^ initial value
-> Int -- ^ number of repetitions
-> m b -- ^ generator
-> m a
This function is an analogue of foldl
. It repeats a Monte Carlo action a
specified number of times and accumulates the results. To tally up the
counts of all of the hands, we define
type HandCounts = Map Hand Int
emptyCounts :: HandCounts
emptyCounts = Map.empty
updateCounts :: HandCounts -> [Card] -> HandCounts
updateCounts counts cs = Map.insertWith' (+) (hand cs) 1 counts
Then, we use these functions in combination with deal
and reapeatMCWith
to estimate the probabilities of all of the hands. Here is the main
we use
main = do
[reps] <- map read `fmap` getArgs
main' reps
main' reps =
let seed = 0
counts = repeatMCWith updateCounts emptyCounts reps deal
`evalMC` mt19937 seed in do
printf "\n"
printf " Hand Count Probability 99%% Interval \n"
printf "-------------------------------------------------------\n"
forM_ ((reverse . Map.toAscList) counts) $ \(h,c) ->
let n = fromIntegral reps :: Double
p = fromIntegral c / n
se = sqrt (p * (1 - p) / n)
delta = 2.575829 * se
(l,u) = (p-delta, p+delta) in
printf "%-13s %7d %.6f (%.6f,%.6f)\n" (show h) c p l u
printf "\n"
Results & Discussion
Here are the results from running the simulation with one million repititions:
Hand Count Probability 99% Interval
StraightFlush 12 0.000012 (0.000003,0.000021)
FourOfAKind 224 0.000224 (0.000185,0.000263)
FullHouse 1452 0.001452 (0.001354,0.001550)
Flush 1908 0.001908 (0.001796,0.002020)
Straight 3980 0.003980 (0.003818,0.004142)
ThreeOfAKind 21341 0.021341 (0.020969,0.021713)
TwoPair 47480 0.047480 (0.046932,0.048028)
Pair 423785 0.423785 (0.422512,0.425058)
HighCard 499818 0.499818 (0.498530,0.501106)
On my machine it takes about six seconds for the simulation to run. We can see that all of the intervals contain the true answer. However, the relative accuracty of the uncommon hands is not very good. In a later post, I’ll show how to use Importance Sampling to get better estimates of the probabilities for the rare hands.
Thank you to Aditya Majahan for suggesting the inclusion of reapeatMC
the library. Please send any more usage reports or feature requests my way.