Forecasting Time Series Data
Course Staff
- Instructor
- Prof. Perry (
- Office Hours: Thursday, 1:30 PM–3:00 PM, KMC 8-63 (or by appointment)
- Teaching Fellow
- Sen Tian (
- Office Hours: Monday and Tuesday, KMC 3-60, 4:30 PM–5:30 PM
Lecture Slides
- Introduction (Rmd; Simplified Rmd)
- Simple Stationary Processes (Rmd)
- Autocorrelation (Rmd)
- Stationary and Nonstationary AR Models (Rmd)
- Model Identification with ACF, PACF (Rmd)
- Analysis of the Google Series (Rmd)
- Analysis of the Housing Starts Series (Rmd)
- Bootstrap Forecast Intervals (Rmd)
- Seasonal Models (Rmd)
- Coca-Cola Revenue Analysis (Rmd)
- Chaos (Rmd)
- NASDAQ Analysis (Rmd)
- ARCH Models (Rmd)
- Simulating ARCH Models (Rmd)
- General Motors Volatility (Rmd)
- Fitting and Diagnostic Checking for ARCH Models (Rmd)
- Bear Stearns Data Analysis (Rmd)
- NASDAQ ARCH Analysis (Rmd)
- GARCH Option Pricing (Rmd)
- Long Memory (Rmd)
- Estimating Average Inflation (Rmd)
- Unit Root Tests & Cointegration (Rmd)
Lecture Videos
Handouts and Links
- Syllabus
- Install R (Mac)
- Install R (Windows)
- Install RStudio Desktop
- Cliff Hurvich's Forecasting Notes
- Introduction to R (pdf; Rmd)
- Homework 1 (Due Feb. 14)
- Homework 2 (Due Feb. 21)
- Warmup for HW2 and HW3 (do but don't turn in)
- Homework 3 (Due Feb. 28)
- Homework 4 (Updated Mar. 3; Due Mar. 7)
- Homework 5 (Due Mar. 21)
- Project 1 (Due Apr. 4)
- Homework 6 (Due Apr. 11)
- Homework 7 (Due Apr. 18)
- Homework 8 (Due Apr. 25)
- Project 2 (Due May 2)
- Dickey-Fuller Table