library("e1071") # kurtosis
library("forecast") # Acf, Pacv
library("rugarch") # ugarch*
Loading required package: methods
Loading required package: parallel
Attaching package: 'rugarch'
The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
library("tseries") # garch
source("") # ad.test
n <- 600
arch2.spec = ugarchspec(variance.model = list(garchOrder=c(2,0)),
mean.model = list(armaOrder=c(0,0)), = 0, omega=0.25, alpha1=0.6, alpha2=0.35))
arch2.sim <- ugarchpath(arch2.spec, n.sim=n)
x <- drop(arch2.sim@path$seriesSim)[101:600]
time <- 1:length(x)
plot(time, x, type="l", col=2)
Original Series
Package# using the garch function from library("tseries")
fit1 <- garch(x, c(0,1), trace=FALSE) # ARCH(1)
fit2 <- garch(x, c(0,2), trace=FALSE) # ARCH(2)
fit3 <- garch(x, c(0,3), trace=FALSE) # ARCH(3)
fit4 <- garch(x, c(0,4), trace=FALSE) # ARCH(4)
fit5 <- garch(x, c(0,5), trace=FALSE) # ARCH(5)
PackageN <- length(x)
loglik0 <- -0.5 * N * (1 + log(2 * pi * mean(x^2)))
loglik1 <- logLik(fit1)
loglik2 <- logLik(fit2)
loglik3 <- logLik(fit3)
loglik4 <- logLik(fit4)
loglik5 <- logLik(fit5)
loglik <- c(loglik0, loglik1, loglik2, loglik3, loglik4, loglik5)
q <- c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
k <- q + 1
aicc <- -2 * loglik + 2 * k * N / (N - k - 1)
print(data.frame(q, loglik, aicc))
q loglik aicc
1 0 -753.1916 1508.391
2 1 -662.8530 1329.730
3 2 -628.4104 1262.869
4 3 -665.5730 1339.227
5 4 -681.6131 1373.348
6 5 -684.6167 1381.404
fit.tseries <- garch(x, c(0, q[which.min(aicc)]), trace=FALSE)
garch(x = x, order = c(0, q[which.min(aicc)]), trace = FALSE)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-3.09809 -0.65873 0.03916 0.73043 3.16028
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
a0 0.21804 0.03653 5.968 2.40e-09 ***
a1 0.56991 0.10664 5.344 9.08e-08 ***
a2 0.36552 0.08348 4.379 1.19e-05 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Diagnostic Tests:
Jarque Bera Test
data: Residuals
X-squared = 0.037617, df = 2, p-value = 0.9814
Box-Ljung test
data: Squared.Residuals
X-squared = 0.035092, df = 1, p-value = 0.8514
Package# ARCH(1)
spec1 <- ugarchspec(variance.model = list(garchOrder=c(1,0)),
mean.model = list(armaOrder=c(0,0), include.mean=FALSE))
fit1 <- ugarchfit(spec1, x)
loglik1 <- fit1@fit$LLH
q <- c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
loglik <- rep(NA, length(q))
for (i in 1:length(q)) {
if (q[i] == 0) {
N <- length(x)
loglik[i] <- -0.5 * N * (1 + log(2 * pi * mean(x^2)))
} else {
spec <- ugarchspec(variance.model = list(garchOrder=c(q[i],0)),
mean.model = list(armaOrder=c(0,0), include.mean=FALSE))
fit <- ugarchfit(spec, x)
loglik[i] <- likelihood(fit)
k <- q + 1
aicc <- -2 * loglik + 2 * k * N / (N - k - 1)
print(data.frame(q, loglik, aicc))
q loglik aicc
1 0 -753.1916 1508.391
2 1 -663.8827 1331.790
3 2 -630.4511 1266.951
4 3 -631.1588 1270.398
5 4 -630.8577 1271.837
6 5 -631.1551 1274.481
spec <- ugarchspec(variance.model = list(garchOrder=c(2,0)),
mean.model = list(armaOrder=c(0,0), include.mean=FALSE))
fit.rugarch <- ugarchfit(spec, x)
* GARCH Model Fit *
Conditional Variance Dynamics
GARCH Model : sGARCH(2,0)
Mean Model : ARFIMA(0,0,0)
Distribution : norm
Optimal Parameters
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
omega 0.21804 0.033429 6.5224 0e+00
alpha1 0.56991 0.101314 5.6252 0e+00
alpha2 0.36552 0.075402 4.8476 1e-06
Robust Standard Errors:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
omega 0.21804 0.030190 7.2222 0e+00
alpha1 0.56991 0.089285 6.3830 0e+00
alpha2 0.36552 0.077966 4.6882 3e-06
LogLikelihood : -630.4511
Information Criteria
Akaike 2.5338
Bayes 2.5591
Shibata 2.5337
Hannan-Quinn 2.5437
Weighted Ljung-Box Test on Standardized Residuals
statistic p-value
Lag[1] 0.1306 0.7178
Lag[2*(p+q)+(p+q)-1][2] 0.6741 0.6172
Lag[4*(p+q)+(p+q)-1][5] 2.9158 0.4227
H0 : No serial correlation
Weighted Ljung-Box Test on Standardized Squared Residuals
statistic p-value
Lag[1] 0.02225 0.8814
Lag[2*(p+q)+(p+q)-1][5] 0.25451 0.9881
Lag[4*(p+q)+(p+q)-1][9] 1.46554 0.9583
Weighted ARCH LM Tests
Statistic Shape Scale P-Value
ARCH Lag[3] 0.02946 0.500 2.000 0.8637
ARCH Lag[5] 0.50134 1.440 1.667 0.8832
ARCH Lag[7] 1.78756 2.315 1.543 0.7622
Nyblom stability test
Joint Statistic: 0.9093
Individual Statistics:
omega 0.63404
alpha1 0.09385
alpha2 0.23263
Asymptotic Critical Values (10% 5% 1%)
Joint Statistic: 0.846 1.01 1.35
Individual Statistic: 0.35 0.47 0.75
Sign Bias Test
t-value prob sig
Sign Bias 1.70346 0.08911 *
Negative Sign Bias 0.06892 0.94508
Positive Sign Bias 0.76699 0.44345
Joint Effect 3.76187 0.28835
Adjusted Pearson Goodness-of-Fit Test:
group statistic p-value(g-1)
1 20 15.92 0.66261
2 30 40.12 0.08199
3 40 36.32 0.59277
4 50 57.40 0.19191
Elapsed time : 0.05638599
# Using tseries package
h.tseries <- fit.tseries$fit[,1]^2
# Using rugarch package
h.rugarch <- as.numeric(sigma(fit.rugarch)^2)
time <- 1:length(x)
plot(time, x, type="l", col=2)
plot(time, h.rugarch, type="l", col=3)
# Using tseries package:
resid.tseries <- residuals(fit.tseries)
# Using rugarch package:
resid.rugarch <- as.numeric(residuals(fit.rugarch, standardize=TRUE))
# Note: resid.tseries is equal to (x / sqrt(h.tseries))
# resid.rugarch is equal to (x / sqrt(h.rugarch))
resid.arch <- resid.rugarch
plot(resid.arch, type="l", col=2)
Box.test(resid.arch, lag=1, type="Ljung-Box", fitdf=0)
Box-Ljung test
data: resid.arch
X-squared = 0.13064, df = 1, p-value = 0.7178
Box.test(resid.arch, lag=12, type="Ljung-Box", fitdf=0)
Box-Ljung test
data: resid.arch
X-squared = 14.046, df = 12, p-value = 0.2978
Box.test(resid.arch, lag=24, type="Ljung-Box", fitdf=0)
Box-Ljung test
data: resid.arch
X-squared = 24.608, df = 24, p-value = 0.4273
Box.test(resid.arch, lag=36, type="Ljung-Box", fitdf=0)
Box-Ljung test
data: resid.arch
X-squared = 37.091, df = 36, p-value = 0.4185
Normal QQ Plot
qqnorm(resid.arch, col=2)
qqline(resid.arch, col=1)
Normality Statistics
kurtosis(resid.arch) # excess kurtosis, 0 for Gaussian
[1] 0.03379127
Anderson-Darling normality test
data: resid.arch
A = 0.19, p-value = 0.8989
Time Series Plot
plot(resid.arch^2, type="l", col=3)
Box.test(resid.arch^2, lag=1, type="Ljung-Box", fitdf=0)
Box-Ljung test
data: resid.arch^2
X-squared = 0.022249, df = 1, p-value = 0.8814
Box.test(resid.arch^2, lag=12, type="Ljung-Box", fitdf=0)
Box-Ljung test
data: resid.arch^2
X-squared = 6.3393, df = 12, p-value = 0.898
Box.test(resid.arch^2, lag=24, type="Ljung-Box", fitdf=0)
Box-Ljung test
data: resid.arch^2
X-squared = 20.328, df = 24, p-value = 0.678
Box.test(resid.arch^2, lag=36, type="Ljung-Box", fitdf=0)
Box-Ljung test
data: resid.arch^2
X-squared = 37.893, df = 36, p-value = 0.383