Loading required package: zoo
Attaching package: 'zoo'
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
as.Date, as.Date.numeric
Loading required package: timeDate
Loading required package: methods
This is forecast 7.3
data <- read.csv("")
housing.starts <- data$housing.starts
date <- as.Date(data$date)
n <- length(date)
time <- 1:n
plot(date, housing.starts, type="l", col=2)
# Without constant:
fit.00 <- Arima(housing.starts, c(0, 0, 0), include.constant=FALSE)
fit.01 <- Arima(housing.starts, c(0, 0, 1), include.constant=FALSE)
fit.02 <- Arima(housing.starts, c(0, 0, 2), include.constant=FALSE)
fit.10 <- Arima(housing.starts, c(1, 0, 0), include.constant=FALSE)
fit.11 <- Arima(housing.starts, c(1, 0, 1), include.constant=FALSE)
fit.12 <- Arima(housing.starts, c(1, 0, 2), include.constant=FALSE)
fit.20 <- Arima(housing.starts, c(2, 0, 0), include.constant=FALSE)
fit.21 <- Arima(housing.starts, c(2, 0, 1), include.constant=FALSE)
fit.22 <- Arima(housing.starts, c(2, 0, 2), include.constant=FALSE)
# With constant:
fit.00c <- Arima(housing.starts, c(0, 0, 0), include.constant=TRUE)
fit.01c <- Arima(housing.starts, c(0, 0, 1), include.constant=TRUE)
fit.02c <- Arima(housing.starts, c(0, 0, 2), include.constant=TRUE)
fit.10c <- Arima(housing.starts, c(1, 0, 0), include.constant=TRUE)
fit.11c <- Arima(housing.starts, c(1, 0, 1), include.constant=TRUE)
fit.12c <- Arima(housing.starts, c(1, 0, 2), include.constant=TRUE)
fit.20c <- Arima(housing.starts, c(2, 0, 0), include.constant=TRUE)
fit.21c <- Arima(housing.starts, c(2, 0, 1), include.constant=TRUE)
fit.22c <- Arima(housing.starts, c(2, 0, 2), include.constant=TRUE)
# Summarize Results
models <- data.frame(p = rep(c(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2), 2),
d = rep(0, 18),
q = rep(c(0, 1, 2), 6),
include.constant = c(rep(FALSE, 9), rep(TRUE, 9)),
loglik = c(fit.00$loglik, fit.01$loglik, fit.02$loglik,
fit.10$loglik, fit.11$loglik, fit.12$loglik,
fit.20$loglik, fit.21$loglik, fit.22$loglik,
fit.00c$loglik, fit.01c$loglik, fit.02c$loglik,
fit.10c$loglik, fit.11c$loglik, fit.12c$loglik,
fit.20c$loglik, fit.21c$loglik, fit.22c$loglik),
aicc = c(fit.00$aicc, fit.01$aicc, fit.02$aicc,
fit.10$aicc, fit.11$aicc, fit.12$aicc,
fit.20$aicc, fit.21$aicc, fit.22$aicc,
fit.00c$aicc, fit.01c$aicc, fit.02c$aicc,
fit.10c$aicc, fit.11c$aicc, fit.12c$aicc,
fit.20c$aicc, fit.21c$aicc, fit.22c$aicc)
print(models, digits=6)
p d q include.constant loglik aicc
1 0 0 0 FALSE -505.992 1014.056
2 0 0 1 FALSE -470.361 944.940
3 0 0 2 FALSE -441.947 890.339
4 1 0 0 FALSE -402.910 810.039
5 1 0 1 FALSE -395.414 797.273
6 1 0 2 FALSE -394.402 797.559
7 2 0 0 FALSE -397.899 802.243
8 2 0 1 FALSE -395.166 799.086
9 2 0 2 FALSE -393.506 798.167
10 0 0 0 TRUE -426.633 857.484
11 0 0 1 TRUE -401.894 810.233
12 0 0 2 TRUE -388.072 784.898
13 1 0 0 TRUE -398.337 803.118
14 1 0 1 TRUE -389.153 787.061
15 1 0 2 TRUE -385.498 782.149
16 2 0 0 TRUE -387.741 784.236
17 2 0 1 TRUE -386.484 784.122
18 2 0 2 TRUE -385.427 784.500
fit <- Arima(housing.starts, c(1, 0, 2), include.constant=TRUE)
Series: housing.starts
ARIMA(1,0,2) with non-zero mean
ar1 ma1 ma2 intercept
0.4252 0.9429 0.4635 1442.4770
s.e. 0.1635 0.1608 0.1407 98.1573
sigma^2 estimated as 36024: log likelihood=-385.5
AIC=781 AICc=782.15 BIC=791.3
Fitted model is
[x(t) - 1442.5] = 0.425 * [x(t-1) - 1442.5]
+ eps(t) + 0.943 * eps(t-1) + 0.464 * eps(t-2)
resid <- residuals(fit)
plot(date, resid, type="l", col=2)
# fitdf = 4 (p = 1, q = 2, model includes constant)
Box.test(resid, lag=12, type = "Ljung-Box", fitdf=4)
Box-Ljung test
data: resid
X-squared = 2.3467, df = 8, p-value = 0.9685
Box.test(resid, lag=24, type = "Ljung-Box", fitdf=4)
Box-Ljung test
data: resid
X-squared = 8.8144, df = 20, p-value = 0.985
Box.test(resid, lag=36, type = "Ljung-Box", fitdf=4)
Box-Ljung test
data: resid
X-squared = 17.801, df = 32, p-value = 0.9798
Box.test(resid, lag=48, type = "Ljung-Box", fitdf=4)
Box-Ljung test
data: resid
X-squared = 22.071, df = 44, p-value = 0.9977
plot(forecast(fit, h=30, level=95), col=2) <- Arima(housing.starts, c(1, 0, 2), include.constant=FALSE)
Series: housing.starts
ARIMA(1,0,2) with zero mean
ar1 ma1 ma2
0.9626 0.7033 0.2601
s.e. 0.0316 0.1555 0.1576
sigma^2 estimated as 46118: log likelihood=-394.4
AIC=796.8 AICc=797.56 BIC=805.05 <- residuals(
plot(date,, type="l", col=2)
# fitdf = 3 (p = 1, q = 2, no constant)
Box.test(, lag=12, type = "Ljung-Box", fitdf=3)
Box-Ljung test
X-squared = 7.2444, df = 9, p-value = 0.6117
Box.test(, lag=24, type = "Ljung-Box", fitdf=3)
Box-Ljung test
X-squared = 13.832, df = 21, p-value = 0.8767
Box.test(, lag=36, type = "Ljung-Box", fitdf=3)
Box-Ljung test
X-squared = 25.007, df = 33, p-value = 0.8396
Box.test(, lag=48, type = "Ljung-Box", fitdf=3)
Box-Ljung test
X-squared = 26.455, df = 45, p-value = 0.9875
plot(forecast(, h=100, level=95), col=2)