Network Science Reading List

Network science is a huge field spanning many disciplines; for newcomers, it is to know where to start. What follows is an incomplete list of network science papers I found to be interesting, organized by topic.

Exponential Random Graph Models

ERGMs are the most widely-used network models in the social sciences. They model relational data through statistics like the numbers of triangles and k-star subgraphs. Unfortunately, they are difficult to fit and interpret.

Latent Space Models

Latent space models are an alternative to ERGMs which get around dyadic dependence by positing existence of latent covariates. Since their introduction in 2002, they have been extended to include clustering and degree heterogeneity. Beware that these models impose a triangle inequality on social space, which may not be appropriate.

Block Models

Block models are another class of network models involving latent variables. While work in the 80s assumed the block structure to be known, the current approach is to assume each node belongs to an unknown class, and the node’s behavior is determined by its class membership. Bickell and Chen have shown it is possible to recover the unknown class labels if the network is big enough.

Agent-Based Models

Agent-based models are similar in spirit to latent space models (network dynamics arise from pairwise behavior) while still keeping some of the attractive features of ERGMs (explicit transitivity or hub/spoke behavior).

Community Detection

Community detection in networks is like clustering in traditional data analysis. For some reason, this has received a lot of attention, especially in the physics community. This seems like a fad, but it’s worth knowing about.


Sampling and missing data issues are extremely important, but they largely get ignored. Mostly, this is because they give rise to really hard problems. Often theoretical results are negative–in particular, many have attacked respondent-driven sampling–but without constructive alternatives, it will be hard to advance the field.


The dirty secret of network science is that the hype is disproportionate to the scientific impact. Below are two of the more important application-driven results. The Christakis and Fowler (2007) paper in particular generated significant attention, both positive and negative.

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