Addressing Haskell BLAS Performance Issues

Last month Anatoly Yakovenko started a thread on haskell-cafe about the Haskell blas bindings being much slower than using raw C. I was in Denver at the time on a drive across the United States, so I didn’t participate in much of the conversation. The conclusion seemed to be that the bindings were about thirty times slower than C. Ouch.

Here is a C program that computes ten million dot product between two vectors of doubles:

#include <cblas.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() 
   int size  = 10;
   int times = 10*1000*1000;
   int i = 0;

   double *x = malloc( size*sizeof( double ) );
   double *y = malloc( size*sizeof( double ) );

   for( i = 0; i < times; ++i ) 
      cblas_ddot( size, x, 1, y, 1 );

   free( x );
   free( y );
   return 0;

There is no overhead for initializing the vector– just for allocating and freeing it. The equivalent Haskell program, using mutable vectors, is:

module Main where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Vector.Dense.IO

main = do
   let size  = 10
   let times = 10*1000*1000
   x <- newVector_ size :: IO (IOVector n Double)
   y <- newVector_ size 
   replicateM_ times $ x `getDot` y

The Haskell program also checks that the lengths of x and y match, but the overhead from this is only about a tenth of a second. There was some grumbling on haskell-cafe about the compiler annotations allowing the removal of the for loop, but this doesn’t seem to be happening for me when I compile with -O2.

The runtime from the C version is about 0.380 seconds, and from the Haskell version it is about 4.345 seconds. The discrepancy is 11.5 times worse instead of 30, but still bad. I claimed that the overhead does not grow with the size of the vector, and indeed this seems to be the case. When I increase the size to 1024, the C version runs in about 15.883 seconds and the Haskell version runs in about 19.900 seconds.

Depending on the size of vectors you’re dealing with the Haskell performance is either terrible or acceptable. Still, I wondered if I could do better.

The root of the inefficiency is the vector data type I used. In my last post I argued that it’s useful to make conjugating a vector be an O(1) operation. One way to do this is to store a boolean flag “isConj” that indicates whether or not the vector is conjugated. If so, the values stored in memory are the complex conjugates of the values in the vector. Another way to do this is to define the vector data type as

data DVector t n e =
       DV { fptr   :: !(ForeignPtr e)
          , offset :: !Int
          , len    :: !Int
          , stride :: !Int
     | C !(DVector t n e)

In this representation, a vector of the form “DV f o l s” is a raw vector, and “C x” is the conjugate of the vector x. In the first version of the library, I went with the second representation. Originally, it was for aesthetic reasons, but now I’m not so sure of the relative pretty-ness of the two approaches. One thing Wren Ng Thorton pointed out to me is that with the two representations are not equivalent, since in the second you could have C(C(C(…C(DV(…))…))) as a legitamate value.

When you take performance considerations into account, a boolean flag is a clear winner over an algebraic data type. When I switched to the first representation and re-ran the benchmarks, I got 1.264 seconds for vectors of size 10 and 16.839 seconds for vectors of size 1024. The comparison I’ve done between the two data representation isn’t perfect, because in the boolean flag code I also incorporated some unboxing and inlining changes suggested by Don Stewart. Still, the biggest performance gains came from the data types.

When you remove the length checking (by using unsafeGetDot instead of getDot), the times for the update Haskell benchmarks are 1.095 seconds and 16.682 seconds. So, for ten million dot products, there is an overhead of about 0.6 seconds for using Haskell instead of C, regardless of the vector size. This is pretty good.

The next release of the bindings will incorporate these changes. Thanks go to everyone on haskell-cafe for their help, especially Anatoly for pointing out the problem.

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